

使用LiveSafe应用程序, you have a fast and direct connection to the 网赌上分平台警察局 Department, 一天二十四小时, 一周七天. 不仅仅是为了紧急情况, the app can help you — and us — be more pro-active in keeping everyone in our community safer.

Please note: LiveSafe replaces all previous public safety apps f或者是 网赌上分平台, and is available to both students and family members, 还有员工.

  • 看到一些? 说点什么. 你觉得有什么可疑的事吗? Share that through the "Report Suspicious Activity" feature. 您可以附加照片、视频或音频文件. 如果你愿意,可以匿名吗.
  • 事情已经发生了? The "Report Incident" feature allows you to quickly and easily submit a report with just a few taps.
  • 你或者别人有大麻烦了? The "Emergency Options" feature allows University police to pinpoint your location more quickly. The UPD can also engage in a real-time text conversation with you in order to gather crucial details about what’s happening.
  • 我想知道你到底在哪里? The 安全 Map tells you where you stand in relation to University buildings, 安全地点, 和更多的.
  • 想要一个虚拟守护天使? Feel safer walking alone at night with the SafeWalk feature, which is a peer-to-peer virtual escort tool that allows permitted friends or family to follow your location through the app or on a secured website. 如果你没有到达预定地点, they can contact you to ensure you’re safe or use your last-known location to contact emergency personnel.
  • 寻找更多资源? The Resources feature gives you fast access to phone numbers, 及时的培训, 以及应急程序.
  • LiveSafe is a free mobile safety app made available by 网赌上分平台 公共安全 and is easy and quick to use! 下载LiveSafe移动应用程序 iTunes 或者是 谷歌玩 商店.

    选择“网赌上分平台" as the school / agency and fill out your user profile.

  • The app is available as a free download for all 网赌上分平台的学生, faculty and staff. In addition, parents may download LiveSafe to receive timely alerts and notifications.

  • 网赌上分平台的学生, faculty and staff are encouraged to use the LiveSafe app to communicate with 网赌上分平台警察局 about any issues, concerns or questions related to campus safety and security. The app may be used to inquire about policies and best practices for getting help for a friend, 报告破坏, suspicious activity or any other issue related to conduct and well-being.

  • Information submitted is monitored 24/7 by the 网赌上分平台警察局. In case campus safety requires further information on any report, the Police will follow-up and live chat with the user. For issues that require involvement by other University offices, the 大学警察 will contact the appropriate offices and personnel.

  • 网赌上分平台警察局 can easily re-categorize reports, so users don't need to worry if they mistakenly select the wrong category. If you are unsure which category the report falls into, select "Other".

  • No. 同时鼓励用户提供图片, 发送报告时的音频或视频证据, they are only advised to do so if the circumstances are safe.

  • Users will not be penalized for making claims that turn out to be untrue. So long as reports aren't purposefully and falsely claimed, people are encouraged to share information with police.

  • Users can send in tip reports using the anonymous feature if they are not comfortable with disclosing their identity. 网赌上分平台警察局 will not be able to see who the report is coming from if this is activated.

  • No. When faced with an emergency situation, LiveSafe recommends and promotes dialing 911. The aim of the LiveSafe app is to provide a new channel to report non-emergency information and crimes to the 网赌上分平台警察局 Department.

    If in an emergency situation (on- or off-campus), LiveSafe has a 911 distress button. 使用LiveSafe拨打911时, 网赌上分平台警察局 will receive greater information and intelligence in order to provide assistance faster. 网赌上分平台警察局 will receive the caller's GPS coordinates and emergency contact information; ensuring dispatchers respond more efficiently and quickly.

  • LiveSafe respects the privacy of individuals and law enforcement agencies. Data will only be analyzed in aggregate form once individual information is scrubbed and anonymized. Evidence information belongs solely to the law enforcement agency for which it was designated.